Should I Have To Ask If You’re Single?

About a week ago, an old friend reached out to me to inquire about how I had been doing as of late. After a few days of small talk, the conversation transitioned to us now discussing details of our last time speaking, reminiscing on the “good times” and ended with his assurance to be around long term. For whatever reason, I wasn’t moved by his statements seeing how his inconsistency played a big part in why we stopped speaking in the past. The next day I felt compelled to ask, “Are you single?” minutes later he responded, “Not at the moment.Continue reading

What Are Your Ultimate Deal Breakers In A Relationship?

The other day I was sharing ideas with a friend about possible topics for upcoming rants when he insinuated that my rants are always serious. Okay, he didn’t just hint towards it, he said flat out, “they don’t have to be so serious.” The young man had a point, so I figured why not try something a bit different. With the help of #2RawAt2 (NonFiction Radio) host @Hajirah and guest host @_JelahnKruze, today’s rant will include some input from our readers about their ultimate deal breakers in relationships. Continue reading